Tuesday, January 11, 2022

startup weekend

Photo by Jeff Tong (Keadworks)
The whole weekend Sat through Sun was spent writing code and developing the algorithm to make RUNIN Out real!

The only thing I stopped to do was get my car window replaced, buy a new Macbook and of course go for a short run to gather my thoughts.  Other than that, it was all backend work and all through the night. Thank goodness it was raining outside.

Senodja swung my house at 11:00 AM Sunday as I putting the final touches to our site.  We then jumped in her car and raced up I-95 towards Charm City, rehearsing our presentation on the fly.

Photo by Jeff Tong

All the teams at Bio Park  (Univ of Maryland) in Baltimore were very busy putting things together.  I had never seen so many people so focused on a project -- most of which were birthed on Friday night.

It's also amazing how Baltimore has evolved as a serious startup city over the last few years.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.