Sunday, November 16, 2008

Two Marathons in Three Weeks (Barely)

Just completed the Richmond Marathon. Richmond -- why Richmond?
Because it is America's Friendliest Marathon -- that's why.

But just barely three weeks from the Marine Corps? Was I fully recovered. Not at all and I paid the price from Mile 10 onwards. The fact is, my leg muscles were not fully oxygenated -- capillaries were not able to free oxygen-rich blood to my muscles.

So was this inadvisable to do 2 marathons within 3 weeks -- not at all and I strongly recommend against this.

And needless to say, I didn't get a Personal Record (PR)

But did I enjoy it? Yes, absolutely. Here's why:

1) Did not rain despite the fact that it rained the last 48 hours prior up to an hour before the race (Also thunderstorms were forecasted) But it was very windy.

2) They let you wear an IPOD. So glad I decided to wear it. Almost didn't b/c of the rain forecast, though, but really glad I took a chance.

3) Everyone (even the runners) were extremely friendly and talked w/ you (although all you could say was "Man, I'm really struggling and suffering."

4) The crowds were awesome and provided great cheer -- Yes, especially the fraternity buddies.

5) The route was flat with several downhills (So where were the uphills? Is Richmond all downhill?)

6) The route was also very scenic and took us through the cities and to people's front yards. Especially liked the beginning on E Broad Street

7) There was junk food during the course -- although I didn't partake but it sure was nice to look at.

8) Only 4500 runners -- had plenty of room to hit my stride (Because anyone who was even fast, had already passed me by Mile 2).

9) The Post Race party was awesome (So was the Omni Hotel for both pre and post race)

10) Outstanding massage at the end (even though it was a masseur, but he was a great conversationalist)

Also, IF you're going to do an out of town marathon -- Richmond is the closest to DC.

Finally, the best part of the run -- It's only a 25 mile marathon. The last mile is most downhill that I set a PR on that mile alone. And I was so pumped for the final .2 mile that I just ran like a Banshee -- about a 5 minute mile!!!

So long Richmond, Hope to be back some year.

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