Monday, May 25, 2009

Run to Remember our Heroe

I love the Memorial Day Concert -- it has all the fixings of a small town charm in a big, American city.  Yes, there are other bigger and more signficant parades -- National Independence Day Parade, Cherry Blossom to name a few.  But this parade (that started merely five years ago) was created to pay tribute to Heroes like Jose Pequeno, and I am so grateful to witness this appreciation by so many and to also have the opportunity to serve my Country for which I owe my life and freedom to.  So let's march on....

As I ran along the Constitution, I was so motivated and inspired.  Fans waving flags, people from all over America applauding, dancing like the renowned Ballou High School Knights Marching Band looking crisp and sounding sharp as they usually do (when I drive by their school during practice).  Trumpets blaring the service theme songs making my head spin round and round.  I felt like a Million Dollars as I ran along with them, clapping and jogging in sync.  My run led me to the venerable Vietnam War Memorial. 

At the Wall, I could see veterans reflecting, embracing, holding back tears.  These images resonated so deeply and stirringly with me. Thank you Vietnam veterans for your service to our Country during this very important time, and I am sorry that it took a long time for America to say "Thanks."

Thank you once again... Thank you so very much!

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