Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Running in Georgetown


Today I worshipped the gravel grounds--the routine run from the Wall to WW II to the Wash Monument -- the same rugged trails that I had hit a million times or more since I discovered running as my calling, my ancient ritual.


For some mysterious reason, I decided to break away. Not to the ubiquitous Capitol and back today. Made my way along the Potomac, under the Memorial Bridge--Boom, Bada Bing, Bada Boom -- the rhythmic sound of traffic rolling overhead and passing JFK until DC's oldest city was within sight and reach.


Ran along the Georgetown waterfront, watching the locals and tourists strolling along with nothing particular in their minds that day, or enjoying a meal or sipping a margarita in the many open bars and restaurants thinking beautiful thoughts, I'm sure.

Then across the C & O Canal and up the red-brick hill, steep and sudden ushering in old Georgetown with all its high-end shops and restaurants galore. The sweet herb garden smell of something tasty emanating from a nearby Italian kitchen -- all the motivation in the world to make me stop and taste the fettucini. Thankfully I had no money, so I told myself that I had no choice but to push on.


The run was eloquent and eye opening. Ran past the eyes of the world, our venerable embassies: Mongolia, Venezuela; then past historic homes and mansions: Old Stone Cottage before I merged onto Pennsylvania Avenue to George Washington University and Foggy Bottom. From there, I stayed on Penn, passing the World Bank and IMF before I entered Lafayette Square next to the White House.


Today was indeed a glorious day -- A day to profoundly wonder my mission in life and my vision for life's future. As I start preparing for the busy Holiday season, I'm glad I took time out to enjoy life's simple pleasures. I'm glad I decided to break away -- be free and roam a part of this town I rarely venture but hope to eventually get to know.

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