Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Colin Christens the Cichlids

Today, Colin and I launched our new aquarium by dropping the first African Cichlids into our 75 gallon tank. Beautiful. fish!

The aquarium was a project in the making. I actually purchased the tank a few weeks before this picture was taken. I had the water already prepped (Danielle and I) had to remove the chlorine by using Tetra Aquasafe. A las, we waited and waited and then waited some more. this long period of waiting was to ensure the aquarium has cycled properly, but I also wanted my son to be the one to bless the tank with its new aquatic inhabitants.

Christening day--a big day to introduce our newfound friends from the Lakes of Malawi in Africa to Chito and Colin's little aquarium in Anacostia, Washington, DC.

You see in the picture above, Colin is slowly allowing the new fish to get adjusted to the water temperature in the tank. I reminded Colin not to pour the contents of the bag in the water because it may contain contaminants.

As I sit there watching the Cichlids become accustomed to there new home i wonder if like humans they miss the familiar surroundings they were accustomed to. I know how i would feel if I was extracted from my home and placed into unfamiliar surroundings. It is amazing how much we don't see and pay attention to or even focus on. In a way those fishes are like me. They have anew home in Anacostia and so do I. I can't wait now for our Cichlids to get acclimated to their new home, to mature, to mate, and one day bring forth a school of newborn Cichlids--the first ones to be born in Anacostia.

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