Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Egg Roll -- Rolling on

The air was chilly and the crowd was in the thousands.  Elated parents holding giddy young children decked for this special occasion wearing their Sunday best.

Young man barely old enough to walk strutting a beige three-piece suit with red, white and blue striped bow tie.  Young women in flowery Easter dresses, red, purple, yellow, white, waving goodbye to the winter and welcoming the beautiful spring air.

As I ran circles around the Ellipse and ran across the wide expanse of Lafayette Square, I could see parents and children lining up in the masses, part of the 30,000 people from 45 states and the District that flocked to the North Lawn -- now that's a stadium full of egg rollers.

What a treat and joy to see so many families with offsprings both in strollers and in high heels, proud to be Americans and excited about this rare opportunity to visit the White House grounds in President Obama's first Easter egg roll.

By now, I was rolling on and had past the ecstatic Egg Rollers to my right with musical performers and Easter Bunnies hopping and prancing. Ran steady down 16th towards Constitution until a DC traffic cop whistled me to stop.

I was in luck -- within minutes, the Presidential caravan with its heavy police escort whizzed by, the President waving to thousands of young ones and those young at heart, like me.

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