Saturday, April 11, 2009

Fireworks and Finish Fest -- Capping DC's Gala Event

It's been a fabulous three weeks of Cherry blossoms and celebrations, DC's Gala event of the year.  Opening festival at the Building Museum, Parade, Street Fest, Anacostia Festival including a sneak preview to my community's first classic venue: Jazz N Soul on Shannon St.  And today, it all came to a glorious finale at the Prelude and Fireworks at Waterfront Park.  

The entertainment included performances by the US Army band and a local band--one of DC's best kept secrets, I'm sure -- that wowed the crowds and rocked the boats in their slips, "Sitting on the dock of the bay, watching the tide roll away."

It was comfortable, cozy and relaxing all in one.  Felt like family and festive at the same time.  For a while I thought we were taken away and transplanted to a friendly, small town in New England, or a Midwest village somewhere along the mighty Mississippi, or to a community somewhere in the Deep South where I had once called home.

Little kids bopping up and down in front of the stage, cute and innocent, made my heart want to dance.  The town drunk, doing the moon walk, excessive but innocuous, making a mockery of himself was a delight to watch and laugh at.

  Both the Capitol dome and Washington obelisk obstructed by the cherry tree lines and the nearby Arena Stage (can't wait till opening day next year) could no longer be seen glowing in the twilight.  Instead we could make out the city silhouette of the Roslyn skyline against the backdrop of a vibrant orange hue with a splash of pink and purple, colors that flooded the Tidal Basin and all around DC for the last few weeks that we were inundated by Japan's most gracious gift to America, the gift of life.

 Across the river, the 3.2 mile Potomac-jutting stretch of Hains Point, cars, bicycles, and inline skaters rolling side by side, passing a stretch of weekend fisherman as if they were riding together in a parade.  Then with no adieu, the fireworks exploded over the pink sky and the tip of Hains Point where the "Awakening" once called home was once again under attack.  

The pyrotechnic show was bright and beautiful, almost as colorful as the purple, pink and white sepals that lined the waters edge but now were being replaced by a fresh blush of green already budding for a new season of change.  

What a wonderful evening, capping the 2009 Cherry Blossom Festival, lots of memories to cherish and store away, and tomorrow we celebrate Easter and Jesus rising from the dead.

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